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A flower does not know what you find beautiful in it.

It is just being a flower…


The blue of the sky ,

the refreshing life force of water,

the creative rain drops drumming against the roofs,

the sun illuminating and showing off the beauty of others and worming up your day,

the forest giving shade and creating mystery for its unpredictable inhabitants

and the oceans rocking your boat or crashing their waves against the shores…

they are not ever trying to impress you…

All that which surrounds you…

how dare they never be angry when you ignore them,

never be changing when you embrace them,

never try harder to get your attention…

they who don’t know love nor hate nor can be caught being jealous…

Yes, you may say – they are self absorbed in their natural beauty…

or harmlessly lost forever in their selfless being,

unaware of their uniqueness,

blinded by their mysterious purpose…

And you are loving them,

hating them fighting them,

protecting yourself from them…

and for your better good,

slowly learning how to adopt and cooperate with them…

You are dancing with the stars

and your voice is being casted for your life’s idol at every living moment…

These forces of nature resonate their dance and sing their song inside each and everyone of us…

As if in an amazing solidarity, we too step up and find ourselves joining them…

Sometimes I get the feeling that they are there for a good reason

that I am here for that same reason…

that they, in their amazing grace are actually trying to tell me something…

with a hidden hand inspiring me…

Other times

I am feeling so disconnected that I can’t even notice their natural beauty

nor hear their pure and simple message…

Sometimes I’m so lost in my fears and my doubts that I can even forget of my own existence…

Lost in my not so recent past or in my dreaded unwritten future, without you…

Waving my thoughts in the air,

arming myself with a bitter hate of my own weakness,

like fires spitting words of blame on unsuspecting loved ones and even strangers…

Ready for anything but here and now…

as if after a big flood, drowning in my own shame…

Suddenly a bird of hope spreading its wings in the new sky,

a shadow of a promise…

Have I not looked up for a wile or has the sky never been so clear…

has the wind never been so soothing on my skin…

has the music never been so sweet to my ears…

a taste of honey…

I shed a tear…

as I closer embrace my lover…

suddenly feeling no distance between us…

not knowing were I begun nor where she could end…

*One could never imagine…

the mere fact of not knowing…
when have you got here?
The danger of not willing to look at how this could ever be complete…
the true essence of being in the shadows…

Who could have ever predicted,

that the utterly undefined becoming the very reason of my current bliss…

My eyes are closed now,

but I am as if under a spell of a vivid clarity…

Darkness could be so welcome when followed by the light…

a night by the day…

a drought by the rain…

a cold by the fire…

me followed by knowing you…

Having you,

now, as a more obvious part of my truth,

is not easily accepted by an untrained ear…

A magical mystery of these dynamic moments…

And more so, tasting the joy of my innocence

as you have always been so obviously close but so cleverly veiled…

Do I give inn to my lust for the fruits

or can I honestly extend and attend myself to the roots…

Seduction is what you’ve been best at…

gifting me with rainbows after the rain…

hurting me with the very promise of love…

shaming me with the holiest of all acts…

at times I even wonder if you have ever intended

on giving yourself to me…


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