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Question Submission:
1. What was the one message/idea you connected to the most?
2. How do you think this meditation will help your day?
3. If you had to share your experience with a good friend,
how would you say today’s meditation can help them reflect on their past and/or future?
your participation/reflections have many great benefits
speak soon
Erik Valdman
August 31, 2012 Day #7
Hello Erik, I appreciate the basics, the direction of focus, the explanations. Being patient spoke strongly to me. So did the words – adjusted and objective. In reflection as I embraced each the energy gets stronger and acceptance flows through my being – as if at the threshold of a new perspective.
I was guided also to appreciate myself for all the efforts I have given in my meditative journeys. As gratitude spontaneously appeared I cried as I embraced this truth so personal for me.
Afterwards as I continued I was gifted with a deeper bond of appreciation and connection to my body – awareness born from within that the body is my friend. This was special. For many years I carried a belief that I was at the mercy of my body regarding illnesses. Thank you. Shirley
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