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Question Submission:
1. What was the one message/idea you connected to the most?
2. How do you think this meditation will help your day?
3. If you had to share your experience with a good friend,
how would you say today’s meditation can help them reflect on their past and/or future?
your participation/reflections have many great benefits
speak soon
Erik Valdman
8/29/2012 Day #6
Hello Erik,
Benefited very much in going back to basics. The mind was quiet, my heart filled with sincerity in the intentions to simply watch and to be patient. Inner guidance showed me how I was judging outcome and to let all judgments go. This was before you mentioned not to criticize or judge. I was surprised overall with the patience and focus I was able to apply in simply standing back and watching. I can’t thank you enough for this meditation.
The last two days have been viewed through a newer energy of acceptance. I have been noticing qualities of synchronicity. I’ve been standing back and watching connections. Something greater was influencing my experiences and the days flowed smoothly. Heartfelt thanks. Shirley
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