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Your First Chakra Meditation [audio]

Your First Chakra Meditation (18 minutes)

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  • Donna Plotkin January 15, 2012, 2:23 am

    Dear Erik,

    I just finished the First Chara Meditation. My body swayed from side to side then my hips moved in circles. I wound up standing throughout. When you gave the key about the 6th chakra I noticed that I spaced out and had not consciously repeated to myself the key about the fifth chakra. After the meditation I lay in corpse pose for a few minutes and childs pose for a few minutes. I was going to go out to dance salsa, but decided not to, because I am feeling tired.

    I watched the Green line video this afternoon and found it very interesting. Last night I watched the Basic overview Chakra presentation. I will watch them both again during the next few days to deepen my understanding.

    Thank you for your incredible work to help raise us to a higher vibratory level.
