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Outside of Time and Space Live

We are LIVE Monday February 27, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 pm Eastern, Toronto Time

Karma Secrets Academy presents:

“Outside of Time and Space” (OTS) [ADVANCED]

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Question Submission:


With set intentions we will simply dedicate hours,
working “up in the sky”, with past life and return energy.

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  • Phil and Shirley H January 24, 2012, 5:00 am

    Hi Erik, As I looked out after the meditation this evening I have a finer softness in energy coming through my eyes. There is strong gentleness in my being. And compassion. Thank you for all your guidance and inspiration. Will be in touch. Shirley

  • Phil and Shirley H January 24, 2012, 1:39 am

    Hi Erik, With return energy meditation I felt a magnetic pulling in my body and rocking in strong forward/backward motions. Then guided to visual completion – I saw myself on the floor, curled up like a ball, rolling over and over on my head. Watched the momentum several times.
    Was refreshed/renewed being with energy and the guidance and the joy in clearing my name. Returning unwanted information was sincere. Throughout the meditation images of people, sometimes only a face, would randomly appear as silhouettes of past times. Once I touched on being in a different lifetime – brief sensation/new experience.
    The next day was surprising as I met with challenges and the high forward momentum of past weeks appeared lost. Surprised with the depth of resistances to have experienced a loss of inner peace to the degree I did. Noticing this change of momentum was for me most difficult and most important part of it all. Thank you. Shirley

  • Phil and Shirley H January 10, 2012, 1:32 am

    Hi Erik. I also did the meditation for the first time on a replay. In the last ten minutes or so I experienced a painful knot like a fist/a rock in my upper abdomen and was dizzy in my head. I felt like I could barely finish the meditation. It was a struggle but I did finish. Thank you. Phil

  • Phil and Shirley H January 10, 2012, 1:14 am

    Hi Erik, I’m sitting at my desk getting ready to send in this feedback from OTS One and I’m feeling already energy in my body. It is new, different in some way, resonates strongly – my heart pounds with an unknown. When I look at the energy, it intensifies.
    Feedback on the first meditation: I did it on the replay having missed last Monday night live. Mostly I’m at a loss for words as my experience was energy – strongest in my head, & at times feeling lightheaded, and lasting through the entire meditation. Often I saw flickering lights. Often the image of the hour glass appeared reminding me of energy constantly moving from the top down. I noticed an energy change, new & different, with the 4th chakra blueprint & timeless experience key.
    I was also aware that the meditation seemed to take a long time.
    I was the most sincere & clearest as I gave the 10th & final key to “recognize no-thingness as part of my physical existence” I was truly surprised as “sacred” appeared within the energy & instantly overwhelmed realizing the sacredness of no-thingness. My breath was taken away & all I could do was cry – feeling my heart trying to embrace it. It was brief & intense. No words.
    I feel I’ve changed although I don’t understand how. I feel softer and humbled when I reflect. Looking forward to this evening and letting the next moment be as is. Thank you. Shirley