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Non Local Awareness Meditation [audio]

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  • Donna Plotkin January 19, 2012, 3:51 am

    Dear Erik,

    I did the NonLocal Awareness meditation tonight and had very few movements and adjustmentscompared to previous meditations: some shifting of weight from side. I wound up bending forward with hands on floor, squatting, almost coming into crane pose, then downward dog and then laying on stomach with head turned to the side resting on my hand during the local awareness chakra keys.

    I watched the Success Formula, Karmic Blueprint and and Collective energy videos tonight before the meditation. I found them all very interesting and theoretical. I accept that I my understanding of the content will deepen the more practical experience I gain through the meditations.


  • Donna Plotkin January 17, 2012, 4:39 am

    Dear Erik,

    I did the NonLocal Awareness Meditation tonight. I started standing and shifting my weight from side to side with some jerky movements of head, neck, upper back while balancing so as not to fall. I wound up bending forward and resting in child’s pose. I did downward facing dog, dolphin poses and rested sitting on my heals at the end. I started feeling exhausted from lack of sleep, but felt refreshed at the end of the meditation and continued to work.

    Now, I go home to unwind.
