Once you’ve watched the video above you need no more proof…
So, now you have ‘the results’ of the 75 year study, but how do you get there? How do you receive these ‘authentic’ relationships? Where do you begin?
Is life happiness simply a result of some Karma? or your ability to LOVE and your Karma is made to be molded by your own actions?
If you are reading this, you already ‘know’ that you can change your Karma,
and you have likely taken some of our courses in the Academy, but I had to share this with you anyway…
You know that the ‘experience’ of a regular meditation is so, so similar to ‘walking on a cloud’,
naturally seeing more good in every moment, as if you are in Love.
But no matter how much we know and understand, somehow we are able to ‘rationalize’ not investing enough time,effort or money ‘procrastinating’ our ‘inner development’,still hoping and searching for something ‘external’, some windfall that will deliver our ‘instant’ happiness…and losing valuable time, often many years of your happiness…
So, you begin with here and now.
You begin with what you already have the KEY to. With yourself. Your improving your relationship with self, step by step, one moment, one meditation at a time, expanding your ‘self identity’ (addressing your ‘Personal Karma’) and that will naturally give you not just the ;Knowing’ but the ‘Being’, the ‘Wisdom’ of being less reactive and more and more empathetic to your own actions, to your Family, to your Friends and even to complete Strangers…
You have all the time in the world…
but you may want to begin today, as Wisdom, unlike Knowledge is a ‘whole brain’ experience and requires many small steps, drop by drop by drop to come together Over Time…the expansion of your self identity may not want to wait any longer!
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