one am meditation full color

Dear Friends

We have a NEW weekly publication born here at the Karma Secrets Academy…

This publication is a collection of inspiring Videos and Meditations
and Articles which will be available to our subscribers and our alumni graduates.

The working title is ‘Infinite Future’

to indicate the incredible potential which we all already have within us. To remind us of the incredible uniqueness which we all posses inside. To remind us that we, no matter how intelligent, capable and are successful in our lives already, need each other to be able to achieve the highest quality of life experience. To remind us how endless and counter intuitive the possibilities of joy and happiness are and no matter how challenging life may be at this moment, how close we really are to being free, to being ourselves and to being happy…

Today we will begin with this Meditation.

(this is the replay of this morning’s meditation from our [Daily Karma] a yearly members program)

It inspires one of the most important mindsets to have both in life as in meditation…

Oneness of Light [DM-Dynmic Meditation]

a hourse in the sky Click Here for MP3

Please Note: We will soon be officially launching this publication at which point you will need to a ‘SUBSCRIBER’ to be receiving INFINITE FUTURE