Yes, I caught up – Feedback on Gate and Veil
Yue (Joyce) Ren
Oct 15 (3 days ago)
to me
It’s interesting that you talk about New Door, Gate, and Veil… which triggered lots of my thinking and questions…
“There are three stages of growth…” – to me, the first stage, is selfish, only me with no others. Who cares about others? And then, the second stage, me with people whom I like or be related to or have interest with. The last stage, everyone has his/her own “beauty” in it, it’s up to me to find it and see them from different perspectives. “It’s a bouquet of flowers” as you said.
“Three stages of awareness…” – to me, first stage, it’s “I did it. I need to do it. I have to take responsibility for it…” The second stage, it’s not just me, everyone contributes to my life, I’m grateful…” The third stage, there are no “them” and “they”, we are one.
Meditation on Gate:
First time: felt the movement of the body was slowly, slowly, a bit of heavy, but not stagnant
Second time: before doing this, I happened to listen to a Chinese song performed by a 19-year-old girl, called “Slower days in the past”
The English meaning is as below, thanks for the internet, I changed a bit of translation from the internet:
Slower in the past
Remember youth days in the past
People were sincere and honest
They said what they meant
They meant what they said
Early morning, to the railway station
Long, long lane
Dark, lonely, no passengers
A peddler’s shop, is selling soy milk, steaming
Days in the past were slower
Carriage, horse, and mail, all came slower
You need a lifetime to just love one person
The lock was elegant in the past
The key was exquisite and fit
You locked and others would get it
Days in the past were slower
Carriage, horse and mail, all came slower
All my life time, I can only love one person
The lock was elegant in the past
The key was exquisite and fit
You locked and others would get it
Days were slower in the past
Carriage, horse and mail, all were slower
All my life time, I can only love one person
The lock was elegant in the past
The key was equisite and fit
You locked and others would get it
Remeber youth days in the past
People were sincere and honest
They said what they meant
They meant what they said
The above song brought me something into the meditation, I recalled many relationships, some are sad, some are full of love, some are not that obvious.
When I thought of those, I felt touched, tears came up. I had a sense of forgiveness, I seemed to understand the expression of love.
I found the energy moved to the emotion, significantly…
Third time: same slowness, I could hear my own breathing, I could feel the right arm’s move, I watched carefully and felt the calmness.
First time:
The “lifting veil” triggered my thought of old Chinese wedding tradition, that bridegroom was only allowed to unveil the brides’ red veil at the wedding night.
Yes, it indicated a mutual respect and a bit of mysterious…
So, after the meditation while sharing, I again recalled the Door, the Gate, the Veil, I was thinking of the person who brought me into the spiritual journey, whose love opened the door for me, and the gate, if it’s a pass to me, then during the path, I read books on Osho to relieve my inner anger, I met a Torontonian who practiced Kongfu when he was 12, he led me to think about my own culture, which I had been totally ignorant for so many years, I talked to the relatives and tried to understand my parents and their stories from their perspectives, I challenged myself to deal with the tough person and felt the pain and finally I found you – the words touched my heart, the process eased my anxiety…it’s certainly not easy and thanks for the strength that I gained from you.
Second time:
I noticed a repetitive posture, my body was trying to draw the circle, and my hands did the same thing above my body
Third time:
I felt the energy, my arms were very heavy, one of my right fingers was stung, but not that sharp. I felt tired, although I had many things to do, I decided to sleep.
Overall, the rest of week, I thought about the relationship a lot, I took my parents to the Chinese movie festival, ordered a birthday cake both for my father and my son, and thought about the gift to my son.
Thanks for taking the journey with me.
Oct 15 (3 days ago)
to Yue,
Thank you, Joyce
Yes, you are on the right path
You really do understand the journey
we are taking together
Your ability to see those truths in other
different life situations and even more so, in your own life circumstances,
Buy more so, your inspiration to Practically Apply this renewed perspective,
is all we need to know, that our practice
is paying great dividends…
as shifting old habits and perspectives…
Joyce, this e-mail, words brought shivers to my body
Your honesty, your pure intention to grow
is inspiring me to do more…
Thank you for the time you took
to share
With respect
Erik Valdman
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